Esther Hutfless, born 1980, is philosopher and psychoanalyst in Vienna, Austria.
Adjunct Lecturer in Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy Science, Psychoanalytic Social Psychology, Gender Studies, and Queer Theory at the University of Vienna and at the Sigmund Freud University in Linz.
Hutfless is one of the editors-in-chief of the book series Figures of the Unconscious published by Leuven University Press.
Hutfless’ research areas include psychoanalysis, deconstruction, poststructuralist philosophy, feminist theory and Queer Theory.
Currently Esther Hutfless is working on the intersections of Queer Theory and psychoanalysis and on the habilitation project „Die kommende Psychoanalyse“ (Psychoanalysis to come).
Von Identität zu Differenz zu Alterität. Jean Laplanche und das Denken nicht-normativer Geschlechtlichkeit in der Psychoanalyse. Kinderanalyse. Psychoanalyse im Kindes- und Jugendalter und ihre Anwendungen. 30. Jahrgang, 1, Jänner 2022, 4-27, DOI 10.21706/ka-30-1-4 [peer-reviewed].
Of Traces, Translations and Deconstruction. Reading Laplanche with Derrida. In: The Undecidable Unconscious, Volume 8/2021, University of Nebraska Press. S. 1-27 , DOI 10.1353/ujd.2021.0002 [peer reviewed]
Psychoanalysis to come – A “Freuderridian” Approach to a Non-Normative Psychoanalysis. In: The Undecidable Unconscious, 6/2019, University of Nebraska Press. pp. 1-27. Open Access: DOI: 10.1353/ujd.2019.0000 [peer-reviewed].
Together with Elisabeth Schäfer: The Lesson of the Cockroach. Towards an Ethics of Ugliness. In: Rodrigues, Sara; Przybylo, Ela (Hg.): On the Politics of Ugliness. London/New York: Palgrave 2018, S. 103-124 [peer reviewed].
Hutfless, Esther; Zach, Barbara (Ed.): Queering Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalyse und Queer Theory – Transdisziplinäre Verschränkungen. Zaglossus, Wien 2017.
Esther Hutfless, Gertrude Postl, Elisabeth Schäfer (Ed.): Hélène Cixous. Das Lachen der Medusa, zusammen mit aktuellen Beiträgen. Passagen Verlag, Wien 2013 (2nd Edition 2017).
„Il faut bien manger“ – „Mündlichkeit“ als Ethik der Offenheit in Philosophie und Psychoanalyse. In: Elisabeth Skale, Sabine Schlüter, Ulrike Kadi (Hg.): Lust. Verschlingen. Alles. Sigmund-Freud-Vorlesungen 2015. Mandelbaum Verlag, Wien 2016, S. 22-33.
Curator of the Exhibition: Die unendliche Analyse. Psychoanalytische Schulen nach Freud. Sonderausstellung zur Vielfältigkeit der gegenwärtigen psychoanalytischen Praxis. / Analysis Interminable. Psychoanalytical Schools of Thought after Freud. Special exhibition on the diversity of current psychoanalytic practice. Sigmund Freud Museum Vienna, Opening: 29. August 2020.
Member of the Association for Philosophy and Literature (APL)
Member of the International Association of Woman Philosophers (IAPH)
Member of the International Society of Psychoanalysis and Philosophy (ISPP)
Member of Verband feministischer Wissenschafteri*nnen / Association for feminist scholars (VfW)
Member of Wiener Arbeitskreis für Psychoanalyse / Vienna Psychoanalytic Association (WAP)
Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA)
Member of Österreichischer Bundesverband für Psychotherapie (ÖBVP)